Javascript filter search through dataset
There are two common methods of searching through large amounts of data, the 'search' and the 'filter'. Generally a search on the data means you enter in a keyword and then push search. If you can't find what you want you generally reword your query and try again.
The ability to filter through your data instead of search is a way for users to access data, because it allows users to see the results of their search as they are entering their query. The itunes library search is a great example for this.
First the demo:
1. push [load data] button
2. start typing a word in the input box (ex: developer, application, programming)
3. notice how as you type, books that dont include what you've typed are filtered out
This is essential broken into 3 pieces, preloading the data, parsing the data and filtering through it.
function get_booklist(){ AJAX.execute('amazon.xml', ajax_response); }
function ajax_response(ajaxobj) { var xml = ajaxobj.responseXML; var doc = (xml.firstChild.nextSibling)? xml.firstChild.nextSibling : xml.firstChild; var booksxml = getChildrenByTagName(doc, 'book'); if (booksxml!= null && booksxml.length>0) { g_booklist=new Array(); for(var i=0; i<booksxml.length; i++) { t = getTextByName(booksxml[i],'title'); a = getTextByName(booksxml[i],'author'); u = getTextByName(booksxml[i],'url'); g_booklist.push( createBook(a,t,u) ); } g_booklist.sort(sortByTitle); g_searchstr=''; for (var i=0; i<g_booklist.length; i++) g_searchstr+= ' '+g_booklist[i].author+'| '+g_booklist[i].title+'[|['+i+']|]'; g_searchstr = g_searchstr.toLowerCase(); showlist(g_booklist); } }
function searchkeyup(e) { e =fixevent(e); targ=findtarget(e); var searchtext = ' '+targ.value.toLowerCase(); if (searchtext.length<=2) { if (g_lastcount!= g_booklist.length) { showlist(g_booklist); } return; } var booklist=new Array(); var results =g_searchstr.split(searchtext); for(var i=1; i<results.length; i++) { var idx1 = results[i].indexOf('[|['); var idx2 = results[i].indexOf(']|]'); if (idx1!=-1 && idx2!=-1 ) { var idx = results[i].substring(idx1+3, idx2); if (isInt(idx)) { booklist.push( g_booklist[idx] ); } } } showlist(booklist); }
Because the array of books is preloaded, javascript can perform the "filter search" on the dataset very quickly, even when handling thousands of records. - Download Source
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